Scoop6 Bonus Missed!

None of the 8 Scoop6 winning tickets from last week were able to pick Madison Du Berlais as the winner of the Hennessey which was the Scoop6 bonus race. With the abandonment of Newcastle, any Scoop6 winners today will not be able to play for it. This means next Saturday (6th December) is going to be another huge day with a single winner of the Scoop6 Win and Bonus prizes likely to scoop over £2million!!

2 Responses to “Scoop6 Bonus Missed!”

  1. leigh burke Says:

    hi, i have won the scoop 6 today, i called in the win to register for next weeks bonus but was told i wasnt eligible as there were only 3 races. is this definately the case?, i saw there was a bonus fund of 17k today, do i qualify for that instead?. not complaining as i’m more than happy with over 7 grand just before christmas!

  2. Scoop6 Rich Says:

    Hi Leigh. The info you’ve had is correct. When the Scoop6 is decided over less than six races any winners don’t get a chance to play for the bonus fund. Instead any money that was due to be added to the bonus fund that day gets split between the Win and Place pools. That’s the reason you will get £7386.20 rather than the £5803.50 (which is one 7th of £40625, which was the win fund before part of the bonus was added to it).

    So you don’t get to play for the bonus, but you get an extra £1,500 ish with out needing try to pick another winner.

    Well done!

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